Hello, I've looked for competition in sudoku apps and I've found, downloaded and tryed these four:
- AndroSudoku
- OpenSudoku
- Sudoku from finger2finger
- Sudoku Fighters from Drowning Zebra
Andro and OpenSudoku are quite similar (in fact, up to the name are identical), meanwhile two other sudokus's are totaly different.
AndroSudoku and OpenSudoku
When apps starts, main menu looks very simple.
You can choose between Easy, Medium or Hard difficulty.
If you choose e.g. "Easy", you can choose between 30 generated sudokus. You can see the sudokus you've solved or you actually playing or other unsolved games. If you solve one of them, one another is genereted.
Game itself look like this.
The game have 3 "filling number" modes: Pop (this one), SN and NumPad. In each mode you can choose between filling a number or a note.
Pop mode - filling a number.
If you want to fill a number to a location, just click at it, this pop-up table jumps out and do another click to complete filling.
Pop mode - filling a note.
To fill a note just choose which number you want to be noted and then close the pop-up window.
Notes look like this - in one square is filled a small number(s), for each digit at a defined position (one in upper left corner, two in top-middle position, three in upper right corner etc.).
Single Number (SN) mode.
SN and NumPad mode look same, but behavior is different. If you want to fill a number in SN mode, just choose the number from right side of screen and then click to position where you want it.
"Pencil button" is switcher between filling a number or a note. It's function is same for both modes.
NumPad mode.
In NumPad mode, to fill a number choose location where you want to fill it and then press a number button from right side of the screen.
The game also warns you if you make by filling a number some collisions (involved digits will turn red).
When you turn your tablet to vertical position, layout changes and turns around too.
In first start there is a help which guide you trough the using and differences of all modes. The game does not play any songs (except pressing a button, that is same sound as in operation system) and as you can see, the graphic is very simple.
Two other sudoku I will describe in next post.
- Tomáš T.
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